Fordington Manor Court Roll SC 2/170/13 1600 Record of fines and Amercements Paid Links to Manor Court Rolls: 1599 1626 1644/45 ![]() April in the xlijth [42nd] yere of her Ma[jes]ty[s] Reigne [1600]//(1) iijd [3d] Richard Prower(2) for lycence of Concorde(4) wth John Bryne // iijd [3d] Gilbert Tucker(3) for the lyke wth Willn Winsor // iijd [3d] Richard Chounte for the lyke wth Thomas Eames // iijd [3d] John Stallington for the lyke wth Luke Bower // iijd [3d] Richard Prower(2) for the lyke wth Ames Pott // iijd [3d] John Ashe for the lyke wth Ames Pott // iijd [3d] Robte Bydgeood for the lyke wth John Tucker // iijd [3d] Robte Pettye for the lyke wth Richard RUSSELL Clerk // vjd [6d] Robte Bydgegood ffor sufferinge his sheepe to goe// in Rodmeade after yt was hayned and contrarye// to order// vjd [6d] Robte Bydgegood ffor overcharginge the pastmein// Rodmeade wth lxxx [80] sheepe contrarye to order// Suma huins } Cur } iijs [Sum of fees = 3s] ffordington The Lawe daye Courte there holden the xvth [15th] daye // of April in the xlijth [42nd] yere of her Ma[jes]ty[s] Reigne [1600]//(1) vs [5s] The tythinge of the East for his certen fyne // vs [5s] The tythinge of the West for his certen fyne // iijd [3d] Thomas Eames for lycence of concorde wth Roger Kete gent // iijd [3d] Willm Barnes Sen for the lyke wth Roger Kete gent // iijd [3d] Willm Churchill gent for the lyke wth John Tucker // iijd [3d] Willm Churchill gent for the lyke wth John Tucker // iijd [3d] Willm Churchill gent for the lyke wth John Tucker // iijd [3d] Robte Cosens for the lyke wth Willm Crymble // iijd [3d] John Stallington for the lyke wth Stephen Crosse // xxs [20s] John Cosens & Henrye Cosens ffor the fyne of a ten[amen]te// called a ffarthingholde to them grannted // uppon the decease of John Cosens their father // to be payed xxs [20s] at this accompt and xxs [20s] // at the accompt next after Suma huins } Cur } xxxjs ixd[Sum of fees = 30s 9d ] ffordington The Courte there holden the vjth [6th] daye of Maye // in the xlijth [42nd] yere of her Ma[jes]ty[s] Reigne [1600]//(1) vs [5s] Elizabeth White vid [widow] ffor a heryott uppon the// death of John White her husband late deceassed// whoe helde a ten[amen]te called a whole place for // terme of his lyfe. And by Custome of this // Mannnor nowe due.// iijd [3d] Peter Chubb for lycence of concorde wth David// Willyams Clerke// Suma huins } Cur } vs iijd [Sum of fees = 5s 3d ] ffordington The Courte there holden the xvth [15th] daye of// July in the xlijth [42nd] yere of her Ma[jes]ty[s] Reigne [1600]//(1) iijd [3d] Richard Wylles for lycence of concorde(4) wth // Willyams Battescombe Sen iijd [3d] Richard Wylles for the lyke wth Peter Savage // Suma huins } Cur } vjd [Sum of our fees = 6d ] ffordington The Courte there holden the xxiijth [23rd] daye of// Septrember in the xlijth [42nd] yere of her// Ma[jes]ty[s] Reigne [1600]//(1) iiijd [4d] Phillippe ffeare } ffor sufferinge their piggs to// iiijd [4d] Robte Reade } to goe at large contrarye to// iiijd [4d] Thomas Tucker } order// vjd [6d] Willm Addams ffor dryvinge of his flocke over// the Leaze called Allhallon breache to the // nomber of cclxxx [280] sheepe.// xijd [12d] Stephen ffacye ffor sufferinge his iij [3] horses to // goe at large contrary to order// Suma huins } Cur } ii [? xxxijli xvs iijd [£32. 15s. 3d] Suma totlis [Sum Total] xvijli xiiijs xjd [£17.14s.11d] [Signed] Georgin Francharde Seneseall ib[ide]m [in the same place] Genealogical Notes:- (1) The 42nd Regnal year for Elizabeth I ran from 17th Nov 1599 to 16th Nov 1600 (2) Richard Prower: Yeoman of Fordington who died leaving a nuncupative Will dated 8th Apr 1616 ; He held a copyhold whole place plot in Fordington Fields dated c1580. Richard's children were Roger, John and Margaret Prower. Son John buried FStG 12 Feb 1620: Johana Prower, widow, was buried FStG 3 June 1622. (3) Gilbert Tucker: Son of John Tucker and Christian Tucker. Gilbert's father John Tucker died 1588. Link to summary of John Tucker's will. Gilbert Tucker married Jane or Joanna, who was buried FStG 1 May 1604. He held a farthinghold plot in Fiordington Fields by copyhold deed dated c1591 See 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor. Gilbert Tucker buried DHT 16 August 1617. (4) 'Licence of concorde': A Legal event: In order to reach an agreed settlement in a plea and to take a final concord, one party would need to secure a licence to concord from the king. This usually required a small payment of one-half mark. It was also common for the other party in the plea to stand surety for the payment of this sum. |