Record of fines and Amercements Paid Links to Manor Court Rolls: 1600 1626 1644/45 ![]()
Mannor in the Court daye [ ] there helden the // ixth [9th] daye of October in the One & ffortyth // yere of the Reigne of our Sov[er]eigne Ladye // Elizabeth the Queenes Matye [Majestye] that now is // 1599.//(1)
vs [5s] the tythinge of the west for[t]hin[gton] certen fyne// viijd [8d] John Willyams Esquyer } xijd [12d] Richard Warre Esquyer } ffreee tenn[an]ts of this Mannor for that// iiijd [4d] Richard Collyer Esquyer} they dyd not their suyte// viijd [8d] Willm Churchill gent } accodinge to their tenures// iiijd [4d] Willm Churchill gent } fforth at they beynge Custhomarye// iiijd [4d] John Hennynge gent } tenn[an]ts made defaulte at the// iiijd [4d] James Goulde } Lawe daye// iiijd [4d] John Goulde } xijd [12d] Henry Wylles ffor not ren[e]wvinge his undertenn[an]te according// to order iiijd [4d] ffranncs George } iiijd [4d] Willm Dyer }ffor settinge out of stooles & other// iiijd [4d] John Haggarde } purpresto[r]es (2) to the hinderance of// iiijd [4d] John Stone } the course of the Queenes streame// iiijd [4d] ffranncs Bancke } xvjd [16d] Willm Churchill gent } xijd [12d] Willm Wynsor Seni[or]} xviijd [18d] Anthonye Barnes } ffor trespasse donne wth their// xvjd [16d] Willm Rasker Sen[ior] } sheepe one night apiece in the// xvjd [16d] John Tucker } Wynterleaze// xvjd [16d] Thomas Eames } xvjd [16d] Robte Bunne } xvjd [16d] Robte Cosens } xijd [12d] Willm Wynsor Seni[or]} ffor keepinge of his sheepe one daye in the// Wynterleaze vjd [6d] Richard Wylles(3) } ffor overcharging the Com[m]on wth their// vjd [6d] Willm Rasker } Calves// iijd [3d] John Tucker for lycence of concorde(5) wth John Sherryn// iijd [3d] Willn Crymble for the lyke wth Willm Batscombe// iijd [3d] Stephen ffarye for the lyke wth John Barnes// iijd [3d] Gilb[er]te Tucker(4) for the lyke wth John Barnes// xls [40s] John Tucker (6) ffor the fyne of one ten[amen]te called a halfe// place to him Willm his sonne & John Tucker sonne// of the sayd Willm granted, uppon the surrender of// the sayd John, To be payed xls [40s] at this// Accompt and xls [40s]at the accompt next after// iiijli [£4] John White Sen [Note symbol l or li = libra] ffor the fyne of one ten[amen]te called a whole// place to him Robte & Roger his sonnes grannted, uppon// the surrender of him the sayd John, to be payed // iiijli [£4] at this accompt and iiijli [£4] at the // Accompt next after// iiijli [£4] Anthonye Barnes ffor the fyne of one ten[amen]te called a// whole place to him Willm & Robte his sonnes // grannted uppon the surrender of the sayd Anthonye// to be payed iiijli [£4] at this accompt And iiijli [£4]// at the Accompt next after.// iiijli [£4] John Wynsor ffor the fyne of one ten[amen]te called a whole// place to him John & Robte his sonnes grannted // uppon the surrender of the sayd John to be payed // iiijli [£4] at this accompt And iiijli [£4] at the// accompt next after.//
Cur Leglis } xvli ixs ijd // [Sum of legal fees = £15 9s 2d] in the xlijth [42nd] yere of her Maty [Majesties] Reigne // [(1) 1599]
iijd [3d] John Bunne ffor the lyke wth Willm Clarke// iijd [3d] John ffacye ffor the lyke wth Willm Barnes // iijd [3d] John Tucker ffor the lyke wth John Sherryn// iijd [3d] Symon Beast ffor the lyke wth Lawrence Stratforde// iijd [3d] Richard Chounte ffor the lyke wth Thomas Eames// iijd [3d] Henry Granger ffor the lyke wth Pancras Wickett// iijd [3d] John Granger ffor the lyke wth Pancras Wickett// iijd [3d] John Diggett ffor the lyke wth Willm Crymble// iijd [3d] Christofer Beere ffor the lyke wth Robte Cosens//
Cur } ijs vjd // [Sum of fees = 2s 6d] in the xlijth [42nd] yere of her Maty [Majesties] Reigne [(1) 1599] iijd [3d] John Shallington for Lycence of Concorde wth Stephen Crosse Suma huins } Cur } iijd [Sum of fees = 3d] Genealogical Notes:- (1) Regnal Years:- The Court Rolls are recorded by Regnal year which commenced from the date each monarch ascended the throne. This can be very confusing as it does not equate to calendar years as the last year of one monarch is also the first year of the next. This complicated method also means that the original scribe had to know the date the monarch ascended the throne and carry out a calculation as to which year it was. This means that the correct regnal year may not always have been quoted. For this transcription I have followed the table of Regnal Years provided by the well respected "Dictionary of Genealogy" written by Terrick VH FitzHugh and last published in 1988.
(3) Richard Wylles [Wills] born c1565 held a half place plot in Fordington Fields by copyhold deed dated c1594 See 1600 and 1615 Surveys of Fordington Manor. Link to the Will of his father Ralph WILLES dated 7 Apr 1589 but not proved until 16th July 1591. note burial FStG 6th Feb 1590/1. he inherited his plot from his father by custom of the manor and paid his herriott . (4) Gilbert Tucker: Son of John Tucker( d.1588) by his wife Christian. Gilbert's father John Tucker wrote his will on 29th Apr 1588. Gilbert Tucker married Jane or Joanna, who was buried FStG 1 May 1604. He held a farthinghold plot in Fordington Fields by copyhold deed dated c1591 See 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor. Gilbert Tucker buried DHT 16 August 1617. (5) 'Licence of concorde': A Legal event: In order to reach an agreed settlement in a plea and to take a final concord, one party would need to secure a licence to concord from the king. This usually required a small payment of one-half mark. It was also common for the other party in the plea to stand surety for the payment of this sum. (6) John Tucker (1559-1603) John Tucker was buried FStG 6 November 1603. He is listed as a tenant in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor holding two half place plots. One plot situated in East Street for 25 acres arable land, plus one 1½ acres meadow and 2 acres of pasture. The plot listed above was situated at London St or New St and also for 25 acres of arable land and 1½ acres meadow but with only ½ acre of pasture.The 1607 Survey confirms his eldest son William has inherited these plots from his father. |